Friday, October 30, 2009

Names Please

This guy is going to have a hard time receiving Halloween candy and eating it, to.
One tired witch with l-o-n-g braids.
Whoa--I don't want to see this guy in person.
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Pedaling said...

i know all 3!

Pedaling said...

i like that wig
and scary vampire ooooo

Jen said...


sandyseashells said...

Why do I think Pat and I had something to do with the head-less man??
EV and TJ are looking good.

Gram said...

Sandyseashells you did have something to do with the headless man. He came trick or treating at your door and I am sure you let him into your house. Sheila you should have known this was you. Do you remember? My idea, you in a slim box over your head. Eye holes were in the box and shirt so you could see where you were walking. That was a long time ago.