Tuesday, December 1, 2009


We enjoyed Thanksgiving in Dan & Jennifer's Brand New Home!

Sheila and gang were in town!

After feasting
we played a bit of Bunko!I can't remember who all won what or why,
but do know that Cole won big and scored a $20 Walmart gift card
pretty sure TJ won something and Sadie left with a can of flavored popcorn.
I won nothing.
I love my family.


Jen said...

Lots of fun, huh. We'll have to do it again sometime.

Pedaling said...

you won nothing?

i really like that pic of the 2 of us.

Anonymous said...

awwwe I wish I could've been there :(
looks like lots of fun!!
miss you!

sandyseashells said...

fun fun. wish me and greg would have been there.
Jennnifer should had a houseful in her new house.

Ellyse V. Girod said...

do morgan and brett have the same haircut?

Anonymous said...

and we love you!(:


amberjulieann said...

Thanks for what you said on my Christmas Tree post. It made me smile.