Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Charleston South Carolina

I really enjoyed being a tourist in Charleston.  I was so happy to have Sheila take me there and B with me.
We ate breakfast at a place named Toast.  I ate eggs, grits and country ham.  Across from where we were seated was a case full of desserts.  We could not help thinking of grandma Carrie's coconut cakes.  We planned to come back later for a piece of coconut cake but did not get back there.

 Sheila ate Crab cakes & fried green tomatoes with eggs. 

Oh yes, we had to have an evening meal at Bubba Gump place.  The waiter quizzed us about different
things about Forrest and Sheila answer all questions but one.  She forgot Jennie's name.

Oh my goodness I just discovered that My youngest grand-daughter is taller than me.

B took a picture of me by this fountain which was in our hotel patio. We stayed in the Mill House.

We toured some sites from a mule pulled carriage.  We saw beautiful old homes, gardens and churches. 
Our guide was very good and told us a lot of history about what we were looking at.


Jen said...

Looks like a great trip and a perfect place to spend a birthday. I cannot believe Sheila couldn't remember "jenny . . . . jenny . .. jenny . . "

Pedaling said...

oh, lay off vineyard!

we really should have had a piece of that coconut cake!