Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lexi's baptism day on June 11, 2010

Lexi and her family

Her Uncle Justin talked about Baptism. Her Dad baptized Lexie. Aunt Sheila told her about the Holy Ghost.

Lexie has a very happy mother this Special day.

Lexi's family (on her Mom's side) that attended her baptism.
Pat and Merrilee Beals, Aunt Sheila Heap and Baylee and Great Grandma Lax.

Brandi sewed a special bag to carry her new scriptures. She received other nice gifts.
Some were rings, a special bracelet and a ring box (to hold her rings when not wearing them).
Grandma Vanderwalker and Great Grandma picked the same cards because the girl on the cards looked like Lexi.


pennington family said...

What an incredible day for her! Brandi did such a good job with the whole day, lexi and brandi look so beautiful in their pretty dresses. I'm glad you got to be there for that!

Jen said...

Love the family picture. Look how lucky Lexi is to have such great people in her life to go all that way for her baptism.

sandyseashells said...

What a special day for everyone.
That was a long way to go for everyone. I know how much Brandi and Matt are always happy to have family come visit.

sandyseashells said...

Also, A BIG thank you for posting pictures. It means alot. and keeps the family in touch and close to one another.

The Farmer's Wife said...

Beautiful pictures!!!
Beautiful family!!

Dolce Vita said...

Beautiful family!!!!Happy bday Lexi and congrats on the baptism!