Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A trip to North Carolina

I enjoyed visiting Lexi in her elemtry school. Lexi looked so beautiful while she beautifully played the piano. She certainly would have received THE BEST talent prize if one had been given and I was the judge.

Anna let me sleep in her bedroom which is so pretty and girly.
The girls also shared their pretty bathroom with me. I felt like a welcomed guest.

On my birthday the big girls took me out to a restrauant in Waxhaw and Sheila and I checked out a couple of shops in this small country town. Brandi took the little girls to a park while we shopped.

I don't like the looks of this old lady but she can't do much about that because she is 77 yrs old.
However, the flowers from Matt were so pretty. (Thanks Matt). Note, He got a bouquet with one large sunflower. He did not know that he had purchase a memorial for Ron whose favorite flower is Sunflower. Note. A delicious ice cream birthday cake with one candle and a helper to blow that candle out. The family made a happy birthday for me.


Jen said...

Happy Birthday Grandma!!! You don't look 77 at all and even in what you think is an Old lady picture you are beautiful to all of us. We like your face.

sandyseashells said...

So glad you were able to go, and be around family. Sounds like a fun time was had by all.
looks like you got to sleep in a princess's bed. lucky you.

pennington family said...

Happy birthday! You don't even look close to 77, you look amazing!