Monday, July 12, 2010

Just The Two of US

This was a fun and relax trip that we two traveled in June 1997. Bing Cherries were ripe and we just had to

buy them from the orchard stands along the highway.
We traveled in our chevy van, slept in it at night and cooked in camping areas. This is in Washington State. Occasionally, we spent a few nights in motels to shower and eat in a restaurant. Dad ordered crab legs and entertained the people sitting around us as he ate his first crab meal.
I popped Jiffy popcorn at night when we were camping.
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Krista said...

i would've liked to have been there to see him eat his first crab meal. fun adventures!

Pedaling said...

I enjoy these memories.
thanks for getting them down, cuz you know, if you don't document, when you die, these things die with you and we who are left, sometimes forget. this will help your posterity get a feel for their "roots" and the personalities behind "their people"
so, keep it up!

sandyseashells said...

Jiffy Pop! I remember having Jiffy pop all the time on our family camping trips with dad & you. Brings back lots of happy childhood memories.
"Life is like a bowl full cherries. Sometimes you just have to just spit out "the Pits!" (something like that)
I remember when you and dad got that van, with the "mood lights" on the ceiling. Janet Eiser called it "The Luv Mobile". haha.

Thanks for sharing these Happy times with us!

Unknown said...

Love these old photos. I too, can remember many "road trips" with you two.
Things to treasure.

sweet older sister said...

What a great trip! I can imagine how Dad entertained the people around him as he ate his crab meal!
And Cherries!!! What a good time. Popcorn is always good when camping. How nice to see "just the two of you enjoying life together."

pennington family said...

What a fun time! I remember all the fun roadtrips with you two. I can imagine how funny papa was with that crab leg, I'm sure he gave the people around you a good show! I love these old pictures, a lot of them I haven't seen, keep it up!