Monday, July 5, 2010

Ron's Birthday is July 5

I can't stop missing Ron. When summer arrived we looked forward to taking trips. We loved to travel.
My family, memories and pictures comfort me.

These pictures were taken in 2005. We were on our way to visit Bruce and Joanie in California. We stopped at Harris Ranch Hotel to spend a night and eat. This was a favorite stop of ours. A place that gave us rest, good food and happiness.

Join me in celebrating his birthday by leaving a comment telling one thing you remember about Ron. An event, saying, impression, learned from him, trip etc.

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Krista said...

i loved hearing him repeat funny things we kids would say. it was a good way to remember those kinds of things.

pennington family said...

I love pictures and papa knew it. He would ask me every time I saw him for the picture of the week. I too miss him dearly often!

Jen said...

Just one comment?! I remember most when I would visit through all the years, Papa saying, Jen come here and help me with . . ..

Some of those helps included washing his car, painting his house, trying to help him on the computer, pouring a bag of salt into the water softener, bringing in groceries, and on and on.

Lately I came across the chat history that he and I had shared when Morgan was a newborn. It was late at night and he asked me what I was up to. Nothing big, but it was great to be able to just chat about nothing in particular with Papa, holding that newborn in the quiet of the night.

Yes, I miss him. Happy Birthday to Papa.

sandyseashells said...

I'm a lucky girl. The last few years I was lucky enough to travel back and forth from Mesa to Salt Lake City with mom and dad alot.
We would take turns listening to Elvis, gospel, hymnns, Don Williams, and 'my music'. We would stop and stay the night at the Perry Motel. We would eat cheese, crackers, apples, pretzels, and me and dad like our jerky while were traveling.
I could talk to my dad about anything. Sports, politics, religion, education, and lots of joking around and humor.
My dad taught me to be tough, keep trying, try to 'do good'.
I miss being able to pick up the phone just to ask him a trival question. He would always answer the phone. and he always knew the answer. I miss him.

sandyseashells said...

Greg said--- He misses dad's
When we would come visit, and walk through the front door, Dad would usually say,
"Greg, I have a Project for you."
It was usually some small electrical or other thing to fix.
Yep, I miss Ron.
love, Greg

Pedaling said...

you too did look forward to traveling together each summer. I know that. Such a big thing to miss doing.

I have so many wonderful me

I miss talking to him about politics and the faith we share.

I cherish my memories of him hopping in the car with me to run a quick kid pick up.

I reflect on how each day shortly before he passed, as TJ would walk through the door, he'd say; "TJ did you bring home any math homework that we can do tonight?"

One thing that I am trying harder to do, that dad did, is taking a more active and vocal interest in others. Dad was always interested in what "we" were doing and you knew he was really interested because the next time he saw me, or you, or whomever, he'd remember the details of the events and going on's and he ask about it. I think that is one of the main things that bonded him to his grandchildren, so well.

Also, Dad's way of teaching was so much more patient and mellow than my own. Maybe that came with age, I don't know, but it is something I reflect on and am trying to do better at.

sandyseashells said...

I just got off the phone with David. David said.....
I remember how grandpa would be teaching me wrestling moves, and then say, 'Victoria get over and wrestle with David'. That's how I would practice a lot of the moves he was teaching me.
I also remember going to Yellowstone and Taking lots of pictures of Old Faithful, over and over, and grandpa made me write postcards on em. I think EV was with us too.
This is how he taught me to do fractions----
'tree & a turd, & tree & a turd =
(3 & a 1/3, & 3 & a 1/3) =
6 and a 2 turds. (6 2/3).
he would say that, and draw a picture of a tree and a turd and we would laugh while doing my math homework.
He also would say, come here David and let me kiss your head.

from, David

Pedaling said...

so sweet.

precious memories.

Pedaling said...

too, above = two....

Gram said...

Thanks for the memories!