Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ronna, Dennis, and Desi took  me to a California beach and we had a picnic with their friends.
We also went to a  Wyland Art Gallery and enjoyed the artist's art of sea fish, whales, turtles and other sea animals.  He is known for painting buildings with his beautiful art.  The gallery has one of his pictures on it's wall.
Dallas wanted to take me to a Kids' Museum so his  Mom drove us (me, Dallas, his Mom (Trish) and his sister (lilly)to the Temecula's Museum.  We had fun playing in the museum.


Pedaling said...

You Blogged!
I love it!

sweet older sister said...

Yes, I love it too! Nice Job! And what a fun visit we had with you.

sandyseashells said...

I love Ronna's picnic lunches!!
Looks like a fun day.

Dolce Vita said...

Sounds like a fun time, I remember you telling me about the Wyland Art Gallery. It sounds so cool!