Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I like having visitors!

Last week, Ted, Sheila and gang rolled into town for some extended family time.
Here I am with Garrett & Amber

Ted sang with Shauna and Amber as guest performers at a blue grass concert.  The concert featured The Red Mountain Blue Grass Band and was held at the Mesa Amphitheater.  It was cold that night, but worth enduring to hear them sing.  I always like to hear the girls sing with their dad.
Together, we went to one of Victoria's basket ball games.  It was an exciting, close, game and Victoria scored and defended and played a good game!
T.J., me, Shauna

Baylee, Ted and the Grandma


sweet older sister said...

Love all the pictures of you and your kids! I like to see what you've been up to! Thanks for sharing your good times with us.

Anonymous said...

Good times.

sandyseashells said...

You had a very busy week. Looks like a lot of fun with the grandkids.

Gram said...

I love to be at Victoria's basketball games. She is a great player.