Friday, May 21, 2010

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Jen said...

Ha. Either that or a stronger taller individual to cradle you while you pee like we do with little girls.

sweet older sister said...

I want one of those too!!!!

Starbucks usually have pretty clean restrooms. And fast food resturants have restrooms, but you never know how clean.

Our best restroom stop my freinds and I have found is in the Ritz-Carlton at Dana Point. The bathrooms there are marble.

sandyseashells said...

Ha ha! I use my GPS for that all the time while traveling. It helps me decide if I can have another drink of water while I'm traveling.

sandyseashells said...

If your with me you'll have to hold it until we get home.

sandyseashells said...

Comment is from Brandi

Dolce Vita said...

That is hilarious!