Saturday, January 8, 2011

Miscellaneous Things to Say

I had a funny Friday to post -- but I still can not get on Picasa. If I can no longer get on picasa, I can no longer post pictures.  Posting without pictures is not much to fun.

I love having visitors so let me know when you will be here.  I Thank all who visited me in 2010.   Time gets by me fast but in reality I know my slowed down body and mind makes it seem that time goes by fast.

I did not make any New Year resolutions, because I did not keep them last year.  I am going to try to study more scriptures (a last year resolution).  I am going to concentrate mostly on the New Testament.  Even, tho, I have read those scriptures before,  I realize I need to refresh my memory.  The various events, teachings and commandments are things I read this week and I thought I would share "highlights" . 

1. Intelligence gained in this life rises with us in the resurrection.

2. All blessings come by obedience to law.     D.C. 130:18-19

3. Jesus declares He is Messias.      John 4:25-26    

4. Angels do not reside on a planet like the earth.....(7)they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a
    sea  of glass and fire where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future and are        continually  before the Lord.            D.C. 130:6-7

5. Jesus says: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke   upon  you and LEARN of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my   yoke is easy, and my burden is light."      Matthew 11:28-30  (I use to know this one by memory, I will see if  I can restore it to my brain.)   Matthew 11:28-30

6.  The WORD OF CHRIST leads men to eternal Life.        Alma 37

7. The gospel is preached by the power of the SPIRIT.  1 Corinthians 2:16, 1 John 3:23-24, 1 John 4:12

8. This quote is not from the scriptures. " Our  greatest comfort is to know that God is in control"  This
    prompts me to keep on going.


Jen said...

I like those scriptures. Very motivating and timely for me.

I need to visit anyway so what better excuse than to fix Picasa.

Lemme call a friend in the ward and see when we can go to the Temple together. I also have a friend in Mesa who might be willing . . .

Pedaling said...

emaill to me the funny friday. i'll post it on your blog for you.

Nice thoughts, scriptures and goals.
We all just keep trying. You're no different than the rest of us.

I really like #1...I like them all actually.

God is control. Thank goodness for that. What a mess we'd make out of things, even if our intentions were good.

It's amazing to me how during the creation of the earth, things were put into place all in a magnificent and timely manner. From the positioning of the stars and how things in the solar system would line up at the right time for events in the life of Christ. In particular, His birth and at the time of His death. I'll have to show you when you come visit. Pretty Cool, stuff! I've been studying more lately ...gaining knowledge and I am amazed and my testimony strengthened.

sweet older sister said...

Nice to see your post! Looking good! Hope Jennifer helps you with your Picasa, cause I know you have some good pictures to share.

I think the apostle John's writings are some of the most loving. For that reason they are some of my favorite books of the Bible. Yes, it is God's commandment the we have faith in Jesus Christ, and be loving one another, just as Jesus commanded us to do.

Anonymous said...

hey grandma, its Sadie.(: Your blog looks so cute! I like hearing about your thoughts. I didnt make any new years resolutions either for the same reason.
I love you!

sandyseashells said...

I'm glad to still read your thoughts. I like to hear your memories of past adventures with dad, or your parents, etc. It doesn't matter whether there is a picture to go with it. We like that you are writing these thoughts down for us. They are INTERESTING to Us!!
Please continue to write thoughts and memories for us.

sweet older sister said...

I agree with Sandy!