Sunday, April 3, 2011


The month of March blew by fast for me.  Having out of town visitors along with my Arizona families with me in March kept me busy and happy.  The first of March, Sandy and Greg left Salt Lake City for a drive and surprised me by ending up at my front door .  They spent a couple of days visiting with me, Curtiss & Jen & Kempton and Brooke.  We all attended our annual Sunland Springs Bar B Q --me, Pat and Merrilee,  Curtiss, Jen, and the grandkids and Sandy and Greg. They had to leave and then Ronna flew over from California for a week-end. She spent a few days with me and Vallerie.  My blood pressure medicine was making my feet, ankles and legs swell so I had an appointment with  a doctor who changed my medicine and ordered a Echo test and blood test.. (I have a follow up appointment tomorrow to see the test results).  The swelling went down when I changed the pills.
I had lunch on Tuesday with a friend of Dad  and I (Jay Carpenter) who lived in AZ, left here and has moved back. The next day, I also had lunch with Kitty and Marvin Fox at Vito's.  Next day, I spent two  days with Val getting stuff ready for a "Garage Sale" at my house.  It was mostly her stuff and she did well. Robyn dropped by that evening and brought Val and I two Delicious cup cakes. She went to Scottsdale to get the cup cakes because they were the most delicious cup cakes she ever tasted and she was right. They were-soo sweet & melt when in one's mouth.   Brandi and Lexi and Anna then came for 10 days (Spring Vacation).  They stayed with me but were busy visiting with both sides of their families and friends.  Pat & Merrilee took their kids out for Pizza and bowling one night.  I went along and bowled, too.  They ( and me) were surprised when I could pick up the ball and actually hit some pins down. I did make one strike and two spares.  On another night our side of Brandi's family met at Peter Piper for pizza and games for kids to play while the cousins, Robyn & Alisha, and Val, Pat & Merrilee and me visited.  The last week-end Brandi, girls and me met Sandy and Greg up at Grand Canyon along with Curtiss, Jen & Kids. The weather was just right and it was a nice week-end.  Brandi and I visited Jen & her girls for awhile one day.  I miss them when they don't shop at Mesa's Costco because they usually stop to see me.  I hope those of you who took pictures send some to Sheila. I think she could copy yours on to my blog.


Pedaling said...

i would be happy to post any pics i get onto your blog.
sounds like a busy month with lots of fun visitors and fun places to see and go. way to go on the bowling!

Krista said...

happy to hear your busy doing fun things! what was the place called she got the cupcakes from?

sandyseashells said...

You are one busy Momma!!

So glad we had time together.

You are FUN to hang out with!